Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"The Joy of The Lord"

Decisions, decisions, and more decisions. The process of deciding or by making a judgment. Life is so full of decisions. Everywhere you look, there is a decision to be made. When the alarm goes off in the morning, you make a decision to stay asleep or to get up. You decide what you will wear and what you will eat. These decisions are very minute and doesn't make a big deal one way or another. But there are also decisions that must be made that can cost you your very life if the decision made is error. We must ensure that we make the right decisions daily.

It is often said among us, that Jesus is a perfect Gentleman. He will not impose Himself upon us. When He took the dust of the ground and made mankind, He made us free moral agents. This means we have our own wills and are free to satisfy them. Let me tell you what kisses the Heart of God. When a human being, with all of his knowledge, wisdom, and self-will chooses to follow after the things of God and reject the things of the world. You can do anything you want to do in this wealthy and plentiful world. There is no one that can stop you from doing what you want. You have your own will and God can not and He will not rise up against your will. But when you say, "Not my will, but Thine be done", it instantly becomes the Joy of the Lord.

Some times the Will of God can be a tough pill to swallow. You may not fully understand, thus, it is His will. We become strengthened when we yield to His will. For it is written, "...for the joy of the Lord is your strength." The joy of the Lord is when a free moral agent forfeits his will for God's will, this is the joy of the Lord. Are you looking for joy, peace, happiness, and strength then you should totally submit to the will of God. Make that decision today, because your life depends on it. Do you want to go to Heaven or Hell? Choose ye this day my friend. You must be born again of the water and of the Spirit. In other words, You must repent of your sin, be baptized in water by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. You must make a decision. Will it be YES or NO. Some people just don't make a decision at all, for different reasons. Maybe they are not quite ready to submit, but what they don't know is that being indecisive is a decision in itself. God wants a yes from you, for this is the Joy of the Lord!

    Troyce Mack


          7 Berkeley Street
         Manning, SC 29102

   Pastor David W. Gleason; Sr.

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